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I chew through chains!!!

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um..well nothing and maybe somthing sometimes if i feel like it.
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Broke the chain - the wild bitch is loose! May 8, 2005 12:59 pm
Mood: powerful, 0 views
yep broke the 5cm chain (thats around 1/4 inch) that was ment to be holding me as i was 'raped'. Ha ha ha!
Me :"no one can hold me! ha ha ah"
Mr 'Rapist': "bitch!"
it broke far too easily.
he fixed it whilst i laughed with a key ring threaded between the second up link of the broken links.
said it had seen too much use.
Ha ha!

No! you just met wonder woman -prepare to meet you cummupance villan!
prefered to fuck me though.

had to start a blog to share as it was just too funny. threw the chap a bit, and well i guess it would.
um...sorry i broke your chain?
ugh...thats ok.
alls well that ends well i guess.

oh fuck this means i now have two blogs going....!!!

The morning after...

Here are a few jokes i put on alt - which are experiences really but humorus to me:

"Morning After the Night Before (1 View)

Things people say the morning after...

"...this doesnt make you my bitch."
" doesnt mean we are lesbians."
"did we fuck? more like border-line rape"
"...stop calling me Donna"
"so..who are you two again?"
"hi guys..well there you go!"
"i didnt think you'd do that to woman..."
"...found the key yet?"
"no i dont know this place either"
"...that wasnt my pussy"
"...oh so you two are married?"
"...whos Lisa?"
" your not Jack?"
" ones let you do that before?"
" dont know him either?"
"...whos leg is that?"
"...I still respect you as a slut"
" i've allready met your dad then"

light relief.

Election Tardis - masturbation and coffee

Today I went to the Su Doku site and managed not to play Su Doku!
ha ha! Looked far too much like hard work to me, but it is supposed to be addictive.
so have i just set a world record or something?

Election Night May 5th
Decided to watch election night with a girlfriend as i allways find myself watching it to see what happens and who is in charge or has taken over.
So i put on my funny slippers and made lots of tea for us and lounged around watching the events unfold.
At first she thought it would be good. ha!

I had my legs crossed as i lounged and she looked at me and said "are you masturbaing?"
ahhh...yeh i did seem to be squeezing my thighs a lot come to think of it.
"ummm yeh i guess so" i said cooly. hadnt really though about it.
She nodded and looked at the telly and said "it isnt that interesting. Its not even a porno."
i pleaded bordom.
she looked suspicious. " get off on this you do."
yep found out again.
blaimed the swingometer.

I wondered why she kept resting her head on her arms or nodding whilst not looking at the telly.
She looks at me all bleary eyed and said "are you going to stay up allnight?"
"yep might do" i said easily.
i felt sorry for her - and thinking it was getting on for midnight i thought it might be past her bedtime.

i wondered why i felt fatigued at one point though that passed in a way, and why they said things like 'the early hours' and all that.
Then the students who were painting had a light sky and i thought ' o wow! if it is pre-dawn there then it should be here as well.

I had lost track of time and went and opened the curtains and sure enough the sky was light so i left them open and dashed into the kitchen to check the time - it had gone 5:00 am (0500 hours - ha!)

i wondered why she hadnt moved all night!
and why i could smell her sweet pussy jucie!
i went over and gave her a hug. She was still seated on the chair with her legs still open.
how did she do it?
"i can smell your pussy yum!" i said.
she nodded and said she could smell mine and that i was a kinky bitch.
" you do it huh?" i asked.
"fustration punishment"
she smiled and said she had tied her ankles to the chair early on whilst i made tea.
then she had sat there all night going mad.
kinky bitch she is.
i gave her a kiss - she deserved it.

though we might have done something to each other - kinda depended how she felt.
she nodded but had not wanted to distract me from the election as i had sat there attentive all night so it must be doing something for me.

guess so

i wondered if on elections nights i kind of entered a tardis and we all appeared in the future the next day knowing the result. maybe, but my perception of time changes upon election nights and that is part of the fun. and somehow i am able to delude myself that it is not as late as the people on telly pretend it is.

no one would ever believe we had just spent the night watching the election on telly. looked and smelt like we had just had lesbo kinky sex - well we had but not in any normal way!
like i had watch her juiceing up allnight in bondage without realizing!

XX Sharon

my Master, My slave

i was going to call this one 'Bathtime' but after i had a walk and think about it i decided to change it.

Felt like having a bath, which is a misonomer for urolagia or being pissed all over (except my hair!)
went and held his hand and sat next to him and...said i was going to have a bath.
"You running a bath?" he asked. (meaning am i to watch you do it to yourself in the bath)
"Not yet" i replied. (meaning he gets to piss over my pussy and tits)
told him not to go pee-pee and made him a drink.
ho ho!

i was not to go pee pee he said.
? ahhh um....interesting!

made my self a few drinks too.

i led him to the bathroom hand in hand and i decided i would like some music so i turned on the radio and great - a song i love on radio 1 which ran 'dont look at me...e that was an honest mistake. it was an honest mista-a- ake!" from some Goth band. Love that song!
now i could do my striptease, though doing a strip-tease to that song was a challange.

So i began...wriggled my hips side to side - allways works! hands our in front at times removed clothing, did my knee raising 'march parade', cheerleader thing and had a dance to the music. fantastic,he watched enraptured.
after showing, twirling, throwing my clothing into a heap and kicking off my shoes. and doing my cute open mouth look, well i stepped into the empty bath-tub and lay down upon by tip toes holding hips up and thighs open.
he came over and stepped into the bath tub and allready had his penis freed and began to piss.
didnt have to hold it under the cold tap or make me suck it first (huh!)
it had affected him transcendentally thing - well that was good.

then he pissed over me!
ha ha!
he pissed over my belly and my pussy and my thighs and my tits and....pissed into my open mouth - i swallowed it - and he pissed on my neck too.
Then he had more!
o good yes yes.
so he pissed again over my tits and belly and filled my belly-button with piss.
i was affected good and began to cum. I thought my body gave me a half hearted climax which was pleasurable and then he pissed on my pussy and i felt my climax in my pussy!
o yess!
suprised myself!

he ran out of piss and i rubbed my pussy - me and pussy were a team!
Then i was excited and stood up, covered in his piss, and stepped one leg onto the side of the bath and stuck out my tits and felt all domme.

he came overr.
he kneeled down in the bath between my legs with out either of us speaking a word.
i pissed in his face and he took it in his mouth.
he swallowed it and our eyes met.
o god yes baby! i thought.
Then he put his mouth to my pussy as i pissed and performed oral sex on me!
o shit!
he was all dreamy and like mystagogued by me!
o jesus i held his head gently pushing myself into his lips as he drank my pee.
"o fuck yes " i sobbed and cummed like into his mouth.
though i might weep but didnt - i just collapsed into a crouch over him and i kissed him on the lips tasteing my piss in his mouth.
o fuck! he was gone
i was going.

he said i was beautiful.

um..then well i ran a bath and he walked off all dreamy and special. yeah.
damn i felt soo happy!
i almost cried but as i sat on the floor and the first tear came i did not cry.
damn that bonding thing was too sentimental, that stuff is too dangerous! I know where that shit leads.
no it would not be that. and i felt better.
allready my arm itched from the piss and was going red! i had a rash now on my tits and arm from the piss.
scratch scratch.

then it was bathtime and i eased into the hot warm soapy water and soaped myself up and washed away the pee-pee and errr...decided to reward pussy with a good lather of soap from my hand.

after bath and dry began to get dressed and then i saw her!
whos that sexy bitch!
really, who was the damn sexy bitch in the mirror!
i wanted to fuck her!
wow i had masturbated her.
i had used a dido on her.
i had got that hot bitch fucked!
i have tasted her pussy.
i wouldnt get to give her oral sex or suck those tits or kiss her lips but...o well
that sexy bitch was...ME!!!!

now i knew why he had been helpless and had you know.
he couldnt help but be my slave.

yeah, my Master.....huh! mmy Slave!

XX Sharon

Make me poo-poo

yeh this is a strange one.

right, layed on the bed and somone got a didlo and i sucked upon it and got it all wet with my siliva and then he pushed it bewteen my legs at my ass...Awwwwwwwwwww!
it hurt like mad and i begged him to stop and raised my legs and he did stop whilst i gasped and said "o fuck! that hurt!"
gobbed on the didlo and after i had recoved we tried again...i wriggled my hips on the bed and it entered me and began to slide up - yay!
soo all was well. i reached an grabbed a newspaper and slipped it under my ass "just in case" i whispered as i moaned.
I knew what was happening to me!
I raised by ass off the bed enjoying the dildo-ass-fuck and said "me make poo-poo!, me make poo poo!"
He looked at me with humor.
"oh oh oh pull it out pull it out! forced me make poo-poo!" i demanded.
"i'll force you to make poo-poo" he said and pulled it out of me.
"make me poo poo!"
I held my ass off the bed legs still open and made cute noises as i made poo-poo and shit all over the newspaper - then i pissed but not all of it was caught by the paper.
"me make pee-pee!"

now what?
we looked at each other.

"you made pee-pee on bed" he said.
"huh? problem?"
"put poo-poo in bag" he commanded.
yep collected the newspaper and took it over the the bin bag in the bed room which i guess not everyone would have. its a sure give away something strange goes on.
held a mirror between my legs and used tissues to clean my ass.

climbed back into bed.
Then he said "you lick up pee-pee off the bed Sharon"
"huh? you want me to lick up...pee pee?" i said wrinkleing my nose.
"yeh. just do it Sharon" - oh god getting masterful.
so i thought i'd show him whos boss and ...huh... got on all fours and stuck my ass in the air at him and looked for the pee-pee.
yeh well....but could i find the damn puddle! you see we had a fur rug in the bed to make it nice for me - and its very warm too. bastard for finding were the urine was so i complained "cant find pee pee!"
"its there - search for it bitch"
oh yes it like that now is it uhhhh!
used hands and ran them over the fur...soon found a damp patch and i though it would i put my lips to it and sucked and licked at it.

layed myself back with a taste of urine in my mouth so yep that was the piss ok.
he held my hair and pulled me to him and kissed my lips.
"yep you taste of piss, well done Sharon"
noo problem.

"you are like a bitch in heat Sharon!"
"I am a bitch in heat!...wanna rape me huh mister?"
"give me 2 days Sharon, to make some cum"
"no man can match me! "
"not when you are like this" he said. yep he had no illusions - it took a gang of them.

i sneared at him so he grabbed my wrists and held me to the bed!
o god that felt good!
i slid a leg under him to hold him between me legs - yes that felt much better.
"cant tame me!" i said as i struggled to free myself.
he smiled down at me as i lay pinned and moved one hand from holding me down to put it between my legs and gave me a rub!
made it look easy!
"Can" he said.
"can yep!" i conceeded.
he sighed "now you be a good girl Sharon"
"make me!"
soo he took his hand from between my legs and....put it on my throat.
began to feel my throat a bit then pressed the edge against my windpipe.
o shit. i kicked my legs helplessly in the air either side of him.
my noise changed and i looked up at him to say "i'm sorry???"

yep that subdued me.
"you be good slut and lay there all submissive Sharon"

he let me go and i turned onto my side hands together upon the pillow, gasping but otherwise not moving. i felt all subby, and calmer.

yeh he felt better and so did i. thats the name of the game.

XX Sharon

I want to connect to you

had a fuck.

knew the vibe from him and we went to the bed and i lay down with my legs open and skirt up and he gave me a fuck. as he did my mind wandered, and it wandered to a strange place and at the time i wondered why.
but all was going to become clear to me.

I came back to him as he finished fucking my fuck hole and i smiled with pleasure.

he nodded and pulled out of my sloppy and said
"you are disinterested Sharon"

"no" i protested.

i liked the fuck. I liked the feeling of his cock in me, moving in me and the pleasurable sensations it gave my pussy. it was good, i had just wandered off in my mind, i had not connected to him or the events, that was all.
i did not know why i had not connected. maybe if i had sucked his cock first i would have connected, but the sex had been too instant and too mechanical.
Still good for me but...

it didnt matter to me, but it had mattered to him and so it did now matter to me.

i thought it through. I had dirfted off too a strange incident some time ago when a stranger put me against a wall and lifted my skirt and simply fucked me. I had cum from it but it was just a fuck and I didnt know who he was, and i guess i didnt care much either. yeh i can do that.

so i cuddled up as i thought of the meaning of this recaled event - like why that time? and as we cuddled and he held me in his strong arms and we kisssed i got hot and wet and we connected. i melted there on the bed and climaxed in his arms. And he smiled at me and understood.

we needed something like that before the fuck except not that usually. so i said i would need to suck his cock before we have sex in order to connect - with the hug and kiss at the end; or maybe he would want to masturbate me first or push his cock down my throat and choke me upon it.
works for me babe.

Then we would connect.
I want to connect.

XX Sharon

The Crazy Construction Site

I wasnt really sure if to post this one from some time ago but after whats happened i guess then sure, why not.
You dont have to belive any of it, especially if it upsets you.

and its not so much about me even.

So i was sent to work on at a construction site - great!
I turn up and look for the office but couldnt find it so this older man introduces himself after looking me over and wondering what the hell i was doing there.
"I'm the foreman"
"yeah hi, wheres the office?"
This big man says "no fucking office".
Another, smaller chap says "whats a fucking office?"
This was a scary situation.
(i was thinking - one more gang rape stastic comming up)

so i waved a bit of paper and tried to explain that some agency had sent me as a worker but didnt seem to be getting through.
It figures i guess when he asked me what my trade was.
"What - can- you- Do - apart from suck cock?"
lots of laughter from the gang.
felt embarressed.
So i acted all cool and giggled and said that well i was good with computers, could touch type - answer the phone maybe - open the mail.
Said he allready had a secretary.
Ahah so there is an office!
No is there fuck.
"up the workers! no office!"
o bugger communists!
So i goes "solidarity" and wave my clenched fist in the air and they all take a shine to me!

luckily this small blond girl turns up and says she has been sent by the agency (same one).
"fuck me another woman" and after some exasperation and communal shrugs seemed to agree with me that there had been a communications problem (like someone was missing beaurocrats allready - or the agency employed fascists - like that blond chap with a sence of humour yep)
I was a pawn in a political conflict!

Thats the funny bit.
But its gets really crazy!

So the foreman takes us off to a cement mixer and hands me and the blond girl a shovel each and then he explains how we were to um...keep them in cement and things.
Gives me a fucking shovel!
"This is a joke right?"
blond beams a grin at me.
the foreman says we were not dressed right for doing anything else, which was true ofcourse.
I thought about running off when his back was turned but i guess i had nothing else to do and he did say he would pay me. So we made sloppy doe-doe - it was a bit like being at the beach shoveling sand into the mouth the hungry orange mixer. wow we were now constructions workers.

"Brew time" meaning we were to go with them to this porter-cabin and have a cup of tea!
page three pin up on the wall of a blond with big tits - well i like porn too. nods shrugs disinterested amazement and lots of oogeling me as i sat smoking and drinking tea. Thought i might be raped at any moment, but the blond made a fuss over the pin up and they made rude comments about her and one asked to see her tits. So she lifted her top and showed us all!
They cheered.
Brew time was over "just when it was getting interesting" and this big chap comes over to me and asks if i am a femminist?
I says no i'm not, and then he sticks his hand between my legs and puts his hand down my pantys and touches my pussy and gives me a rub. I was amazed and heated up in seconds.
O god i was going to cum.
blond says he cant do that to me!
Foreman says that we all have to go back to work. phew!

back to the orange cement mixer and lots of chatting to the blond. And later on we were called into this place they were building and some new faces gave us all a political lecture - no joke - going on about socialism and solidarity of the workers. Then the visitors left. looked at the blond and she shrugged.

Right near the end of the working day i was taken off and escorted into the building they were making. This is were i got really sacred and there was a gang of them in there waiting expectantly. great just like a lamb to the slaughter i thought ugh no!
i was told to sit against the wall and soo i did. trembled as i took out a cigarette and one dark haired chap lit it for me which helped my nerves a bit.
I mean, they werent really going to rape me, were they? I was trembling with fear and felt sick with a tight knot in my stomach as it was obvious they were going to do something but were waiting??? why?
saw a electircal flex hanging down from a cealing a pissed myself a bit as i got these horrific thoughts that they were going to hang me for sexual kicks. i felt sick with worry.
but you know i had got the wrong end of the stick.

Then this brunette walks in dressed in skirt and jacket smoking a cigarette. She looks at me - i look at her and she looks at the big man as though to say "whats she doing here?"
She shrugs and then...throws her cigi, takes of her jacket and takes off her blouse. Then they grabbed her and pulled off her skirt and held her down on the floor as she protested and they ripped off her black bra and pantys. They were told to hold the bitches legs open and the big man kicked her between the legs and then punched her, pulled her hair and made her suck his cock and then he said he would rape her so he did. He old them to fuck her and they began to take turns fucking her and putting their cocks into her mouth as he slapped her and held her hair and hit her tits.
Whilst i watched.
I wasnt sure what i was witnessing and got worried for her. She looked at me reasuring me! He hit her and her eyes lit up with pleasure. ahhhh i see thought me,she likes it rough.
it was intense for her but too brutal for me.

Then the blond walks in to see what they are doing to me.
She sees me ok but then sees what they are doing to the woman and has histerics.
yeah bad time to walk in i guess. Foreman takes her off outside having failied to reason with her he manhandled her from the place.

then the big man pulls up the brunette by her hair spanks her ass and tells the bitch to get dressed.
She puts on her bra and looks at me and then whispers to him.
Then she comes over to ME with a big smile on her face (and bruises on her body!) and stands infront of me with he legs open.
"hi cutey" she says and grabs my hair and pushes me into pussy telling me to lick.
so i did.
I could smell her juices and feel her heat as i licked her. She was getting all dominant with ME!
I thought i might be raped at this rate but i guess they had put all their cum into her and besides...
Soo after i had been forced to lick and suck all their cum from her pussy - o boy - that was the good bit but she was rough with the bloody hair pulling the bitch!
o fuck but i was getting all hot and steamy and making noises during our encounter. So hurt me you bitch!
(and i think she was being nice to me!!)

Then she is pulled off me by the big chap and dragged offf to 'get fucking dressed as i tell you bitch'
yay good for him! my hero!
phew rescued. yummy pusssy though.

she got dressed and the show was over. Then she lit a cigi and took a drag on it and put it into my mouth gave me a wicked smile and walked off asthough nothing had happened.

"Met the Misses" says the big chap with big grin.
i grinned back and said "yeah".

Then i dashed off to find the blond and gave her a big hug and tried to explain to her.
it worked and she calmed down.

wow what a day! I could still taste her when i got home. fun fun fun what a crazy construction site.

any connection to people still living is um...well them.

XX Sharon

Just a dream titled 'You Obsess Me"

earlier i go soo excited looking at intenet asphyx that i urinated my pantys and trousers and made a big puddle, not that it mattered or anything because i used to piss my pantys for fun - though that was some time ago. Well we had looked at bondage baggings and hangings of women - there is a whole world of us out there! I mean, we could unionize and...well maybe...demand....anonymity! Some union.

We went to bed early...??

#I awoke. This is the dream right?
something was happening to me. Thats why i was waking, in that dreamy state which i do love love love. And he knows it. I felt naked...but i had not gone to bed clothed! Where was my mini skirt?
it didnt matter as something was happening between my legs, and my legs were open. There was no alarm, it was ok and it felt nice.
Then there was a penis and now it was rubbing over my pubic hair and belly. my hand was freed (??) and taken to the penis which i held and masturbated.I was not to open my eyes so i kept them closed. Then it moved up in the air and came to my mouth so i sucked upon it as the tip was put into my mouth.
"ok its kinky time Sharon" voice of boyfriend, "its going to be ok"
Kinky time - i love kinky time!
"i submit"
"you submit - ok" says he.
"you obssess me" says me - which was a code word for do what you want and use me for sex. use me a fuck slut get me used for cheap meaningless sex- yes! I love it!
I relaxed.
i though wow i even consent in my dreams!

I was bound to the bed and something covered my eyes. i opened my eyes for a quick peek. I saw someone through the plasitc but who was it? I couldnt tell who it was but it had to be him.
Still dreamy, still relaxed and passive. Letting it happen to me.

cock touched my lips i could feel it and so i sucked knowing what i must do. And he began to cum and i began to drink his cumas it spurted into my mouth - yum yum - and there was more of it!
Then after i had mikled him i felt cock there again and sucked again and ....soon it climaxed cum for me - lots of cum in spurtts for me to drink and swallow.
And Suck again! The cock was back for sucking so i sucked like a baby and licked with my tongue and as i did i felt my pussy my pussy being enterd with cock and fucked.
o yes it felt sooo good i was cumming i didnt care. but...he couldnt be both in my mouth and in my pussy?
maybe a dildo...i didnt care really so i dismissed the idea.
cum hit the left side of my face, and was poured from a cock into my mouth - and then more impossibley more. God damn it no-one could make this much cum! But i was so hot i was cumming as another cock entered my mouth and i sucked like a slut on heat, mouth over flowing with cum which was all over my lips. one tasted of pussy.
A voice - it was not my boyfriends. "She's ok right?"
"Lets make her cum" - this voice was. his.
yes yes make me cum o god yes do it!
soo much cum - how many where there?
I felt cum drop on my tits as i sucked cock and other cock beat my pussy.

Then...he said.."time to go back to sleep Sharon, kinky time is over."
i relaxed.
"Deep breaths Sharon"
i gasped some deep breats - one two three and big breath on the fourth.
Felt pastic cover my face. my hand had been re-held by something - not handcuffs - not metal.
I went to sleep...#

end of 'dream'.

bit later I awoke flat on my back in bed and looked at my boyfriend.
"Erotic Dream?" he said.
"What happened??"
"it was just a dream Sharon".
he truned over and pretened to go to sleep.

but there had been that wicked gleam in his eye. People laughed good naturedly outside - a group of men. It was dark but the light was still on. I felt...well my legs were open and my skirt was round my hips - and at the back too. Could have rode up in my sleep. There was no cum on my face, or my tits, or my mouth.

My pussy ached - i had climaxed...

Well i thought, we have this thing. i agree to fuck strangers for him and i can fuck who i want when i want. and he can awaken me with sex because i love to wake up to being fucked i cum soo much from it in dreamy kinky time.

"you obssess me" i had said. i even consent in my dreams! wow way to go girl!

I like the dream. and i liked the taste of cum in my mouth.

I looked at him suspiciously.
Son of a bitch!

I am not allowed to know who because i dont want to know who. Or how many - it really doesnt matter to me. It is often better to well, not know i guess. it is easier i think. maybe.

ok it was a dream right?

I pulled back the duvet and gave it a check, Near the top edge was a pool of cum.
Well someone put it there!
I gave it a lick and sucked it off - yep it was cum allright and though cold was fresh.
Then i saw the slash on the edge and licked that off the duvet too.

"You missed a bit" I said triumphantly,
"huh?" - asleep my arse.
"There is cum on TOP the duvet - and a splash on the edge" i said matter of factly.
no answer.

"YOU wash the duvet" i said swinging out of bed.
now i knew.
My pussy felt great and i felt GREAT!

o fuck how many had there been??? and who??? Dont want to know, it might scare me.
i went and made a coffee as my mouth felt all sticky and in the hall well, it smelt of chinese.
Chinese? no way! The clock said 11:19pm

I like dreams like that.

I must of multi-orgasmed quite a lot to feel this good - i feel like Wonder Woman!

model hangs herself for kicks

I wasnt sure that i would ever allow myself to erotic hang again as i read an article upon the web and it scared me, that and the last time i had passed out and collapsed uncouncious, but i kinda found myself looking at some such things on the net and it still thrilled me somehow.

So i felt that i would consider it and we pondered how to get a good long-range shot - or even any. We moved a ladder but it did not seem secure and when i held on to it it dropped a little. I though 'well thats me dead' so i felt it a good idea to let others know that ladders slip and are usually no good.

We found where we could put the pole and it was ok for the shot and also had a door in the background over which i have hanged before. Thats love for you.
though i did give it such a heel bashing people might know.

Then we cilled out a bit and talked about things as i was both scared of what could happen to me and also i was sexually aroused by the prospect that i would hang and i tied to be cool about it.
managed to be really cool outwardly though was anything but inwardly when i said "...when you, hang me."
o shit! I had complety whimped it!
It amazed me how calm i had been the earlier times or how easy it had been for me because this time i was very nervous and apprehensive, yet i was also more turned on than i had realised and i couldnt help but begin rubbing myself between the legs for some comfort. I took my panties down and loosened myself with a dildo and i felt ok but then realised that i was urinating meself over the carpet. Well that was ok,but the prospect had a noticable effect upon me.

Submissive passive mode!

didnt spare me of course.

I needed to try a self hanging but was worried i didnt have the strength to support my own body weight - heap of bollocks really i just had no more piss to urinate over the carpet. But sure i managed to test the pole holding on with my arms as allways. no problem. and no the pole didnt break - o god i was going to peices!

Then as casual as a model catwalker i got the noose and slung it over, climbed on the block, put my head in, tried to get a good hanging postition ( a what???) held on to the other end - and maganged to get the other hand behind my back to hold it as well and bingo! I was off the block and kicking like a cowgirl on heat. I head myself making what seemed to me loud and new noices of laboured breathing that was not unpleasent but suprised me but is was not lound really it just seemed that way at the time. I didnt want to pass out again as i didnt want to fall onto the block. So after a quick hang and some good kicking - i kicked off a shoe, not shook it off, that was it.

I felt light headed and staggered a bit afterwards and felt that strange feeling like the ph of my blood had changed and was affecting me. We watched the vid of it and I went for a good panting and smoke and felt horny. So we agreed to fuck and i took off my pantys and we went to bed.

Again i was surprised because as soon as he entered my pussy i climaxed and had not realised how aroused i was until then. Then we fucked and rolled over for a hug and a kiss which got me all steamy.

just had to come down and write this blog though.
As for the old door, well people have asked anyhow why it is damaged (umm..i kicked it with my heels???) and this time no new marks upon it. (but what the hell they think it is PMS!! Ha! Like i go kicking in doors or something huh?? or is that being tactfull to spare my feelings?)
but the door is irrelivent as the 'free swing' is far more fun.

So great, i just hanged myself and lived to tell the tale! (phew! glad to get that off mychest)

XX Sharon

Torn pantys and a chat with my pussy

hi again!
upon the 27th my panties got torn - woohoo that was fun.
(and quick) but i didnt mind at all though it did suprise me and catch me off guard.

today i did a thing with a mop-handle which looked very dangerous as i was standing on a block at the time but it was more fun than i had expected it to be.

now betty dobson the phd sexologist in one of her books recomends speaking and bonding with your pussy so i am going to give it a try...right now, and see what happens!

Me: Hello pussy!
Pussy: (just open)
Me: Hows it going babe?
Pussy: (think its drooling??)
Me ahhh catch you around some other time
Pussy: yeah ok (only joking)

yep i feel even better so i can recomend that wasnt a very involved convo.

Might go and look at some internet porn and see if some silly bitch is doing something strange with cock, cum and her holes. might give me good ideas.

XX Sharon

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