Torn pantys and a chat with my pussy 

Torn pantys and a chat with my pussy

hi again!
upon the 27th my panties got torn - woohoo that was fun.
(and quick) but i didnt mind at all though it did suprise me and catch me off guard.

today i did a thing with a mop-handle which looked very dangerous as i was standing on a block at the time but it was more fun than i had expected it to be.

now betty dobson the phd sexologist in one of her books recomends speaking and bonding with your pussy so i am going to give it a try...right now, and see what happens!

Me: Hello pussy!
Pussy: (just open)
Me: Hows it going babe?
Pussy: (think its drooling??)
Me ahhh catch you around some other time
Pussy: yeah ok (only joking)

yep i feel even better so i can recomend that wasnt a very involved convo.

Might go and look at some internet porn and see if some silly bitch is doing something strange with cock, cum and her holes. might give me good ideas.

XX Sharon

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