model hangs herself for kicks 

model hangs herself for kicks

I wasnt sure that i would ever allow myself to erotic hang again as i read an article upon the web and it scared me, that and the last time i had passed out and collapsed uncouncious, but i kinda found myself looking at some such things on the net and it still thrilled me somehow.

So i felt that i would consider it and we pondered how to get a good long-range shot - or even any. We moved a ladder but it did not seem secure and when i held on to it it dropped a little. I though 'well thats me dead' so i felt it a good idea to let others know that ladders slip and are usually no good.

We found where we could put the pole and it was ok for the shot and also had a door in the background over which i have hanged before. Thats love for you.
though i did give it such a heel bashing people might know.

Then we cilled out a bit and talked about things as i was both scared of what could happen to me and also i was sexually aroused by the prospect that i would hang and i tied to be cool about it.
managed to be really cool outwardly though was anything but inwardly when i said "...when you, hang me."
o shit! I had complety whimped it!
It amazed me how calm i had been the earlier times or how easy it had been for me because this time i was very nervous and apprehensive, yet i was also more turned on than i had realised and i couldnt help but begin rubbing myself between the legs for some comfort. I took my panties down and loosened myself with a dildo and i felt ok but then realised that i was urinating meself over the carpet. Well that was ok,but the prospect had a noticable effect upon me.

Submissive passive mode!

didnt spare me of course.

I needed to try a self hanging but was worried i didnt have the strength to support my own body weight - heap of bollocks really i just had no more piss to urinate over the carpet. But sure i managed to test the pole holding on with my arms as allways. no problem. and no the pole didnt break - o god i was going to peices!

Then as casual as a model catwalker i got the noose and slung it over, climbed on the block, put my head in, tried to get a good hanging postition ( a what???) held on to the other end - and maganged to get the other hand behind my back to hold it as well and bingo! I was off the block and kicking like a cowgirl on heat. I head myself making what seemed to me loud and new noices of laboured breathing that was not unpleasent but suprised me but is was not lound really it just seemed that way at the time. I didnt want to pass out again as i didnt want to fall onto the block. So after a quick hang and some good kicking - i kicked off a shoe, not shook it off, that was it.

I felt light headed and staggered a bit afterwards and felt that strange feeling like the ph of my blood had changed and was affecting me. We watched the vid of it and I went for a good panting and smoke and felt horny. So we agreed to fuck and i took off my pantys and we went to bed.

Again i was surprised because as soon as he entered my pussy i climaxed and had not realised how aroused i was until then. Then we fucked and rolled over for a hug and a kiss which got me all steamy.

just had to come down and write this blog though.
As for the old door, well people have asked anyhow why it is damaged (umm..i kicked it with my heels???) and this time no new marks upon it. (but what the hell they think it is PMS!! Ha! Like i go kicking in doors or something huh?? or is that being tactfull to spare my feelings?)
but the door is irrelivent as the 'free swing' is far more fun.

So great, i just hanged myself and lived to tell the tale! (phew! glad to get that off mychest)

XX Sharon

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