Slutto Blog 

Counterproductive Repression

whip me

hah har yess the whip me pic.
So to continue with the forbidden subject. All these virgin prudes and their sex starved associated guys are getting all sexually repressed and mind warped and violent and their guys are substituting the lack of sex with situational bisexual sex and all being driven to drugs and the drug world and thats so these mary janes feel safer. hah! welcome to little ms safe's death trap! whats safe about it? nothing!
other types are being driven to free sex the street gang way or gettho way ie....rape. violent rape and rape of the young fems who are virgins - oh thats safe? who for? how so? no its not a safe climate of the prudes at all its ultra not safe. safe has four letters like the world slut. and hiv has three like the word nun, as in virgin prude. easy.

thats real. Some nice psychology type guy picks me up off the street in his car to rescue me from a girl gang of antisluts who like gay bars to be anti aids - oh and violence too with mr international rescue drives me to a dark car park and tells me heaps of things about aids and reality and sluts like me are safe but those other girls are not safe, mentally, physically, immunly nor from aids. this guy made sence and ummm...said i should get on the back seat and open my legs. i did and draped a stilleto leg over the driving seat but guy wasnt sure of like how to enter me and i recomended i bent over the boot and he entered my cunt from the rear or the bonnet or facing him with legs open. He wanted me from the front so we used the boot of the car ie the rear of it so he could talk to me during sex. i put his cock in my pussy which was wet and we fucked and i got my tits out and moaned and faked my way to pleasure and the guy cums in me didnt look at me and said so much for condoms and waved a bunch of notes at me so i took them.

hah har!

then he spoke about marking theses? and i said did he want me to feases ie shit and he said no it was students all too scared of aids to fuck him. haaaaa most hilarious! Well his rescue of me had saved him from cruising for a prostitue hooker and i dont use drugs (neither does hanna). got that story in but it is on topic. so that means i'm still avoiding telling the story of ms safe really.
still heaps to say about counter productive sexual repression and its enevitable blinked aids risk - and heaps of other things too. and life has has to be lived! cant live under an unrealistic paranoia without going mad. choose sanity more able to judge risk! like not the pubs of dispair and drugs and well still probably ok but not ok in other things.

Little Ms Safe and the slut


Still lots of rubbish out there in zombie world. so hanna had a crisis after the religious terroirsed her like the purdish zombie liars of Beliar do, and i had a preggo scare, great fun.
hysteria, paranoia, phobia, witch-hunts and agenda driven drivil and dissassociation from reality.
Soo why doesnt slut have aids? like do i look like a monogomist or something?
??? well seeing as most of the women who have aids are monogomists....

and...the billion dollar californian porn industry goes on and has hardly any cases - the odd few every decade...after all that fucking everywhere with no condoms and well, fucking sluts not monogomists or virgins.
soo anyway...whats that matter to big drugcompanies or religous zombie cults and prudes or jelous bitches and synical lesbian groomerz? nila nada zilcho. The bitish government of the cons ran a long add promoting promiscuous hetro sex women as the aids problem. That fits in with most people ideas of risk, ahhh but none of the stastics. that was double agenda disinformation. being a slut makes you safer.
read it again, ...aids...monogomists...not sluts.
The prostitues with aids are introvenous drug users. the monogomist are with intravenous drug users. It takes repreated sex with the aids source in blood to blood injery to become infected - even 500 times. Though anal is much more risk to the reciever, even if they are bodily adapted to the sise and use lubrication. The vagina is designed for cock and sex and child birth and so is not readily injured guys.
I really didnt know how to approach the subject.
Thought mabe it no longer matters. Hanna has a vertual break down.
that matters.

so sluts dont have aids dont get aids though cumming into a woman. She is more at risk. The guy cant catch it - and you cant catch what people simply dont have! really!. nevermind the religious and frigid and prudish and mary janes and predatory lesbians and drug users and nasy and manipulative and some of those guys have unprotected sex casually still and are ok! That doesnt fit the delusions or agenda.! why not? so this looser is not in the real world:

"stop AIDS, you slut Camisole
To fight a terrible disease like AIDS, you need to administer some tough-love in a way that even the most promiscuous whores can understand. We're here to help. You're welcome.
That lie and rubbish is here:
monogomist get aids not sluts

ummm so sluts have adapted to sex and know the tricks for smooth sex. and contraception but like me i dont mean condoms..i like natural sex. its healty. being healty boosts the immune system a lot. likeing sex gets your slack - great slack as in not injuerable slack cunt - wet and slippy and not injured but bruising maybe! tight dry scared monogomist is with the same sourse over and over and she is more injurable!
so if your god does realise tough!
My gods know! hah har!

also tips for our good sluts: 1 use a dutch cap to seal of your womb as it is a potential infection area.
2 use spermicdal lubricant (or any get pussy wet and slippy lubricant) but spermocidal stops the stuff wiggiling around everywhere.
3 sit up and suck his cock after sex so the goo drains out of your cunt rather than laying there overnight with most of it in. so finger it out or he licks it out of you. heap not there heap not there!
4 also use mini pill - it strengthes your womb wall to prevent anything!
5 dont take it up the ass without a comdom and lubricant...well maybe
6 if he cuts his dick on your teeth avoid the blood and suck him off and dont put it in your cunt or ass.
7 like in porno guy can withdraw and cum over your pussy, tits or face - or stuff it down your throat but it is ok for him to cum in you too.
8 feel free to douch yourself after sex with shower head - its fun. trust me i've been there! or with anticeptis cotton budds which helps against everything! and or with jiff concentrated lemon juice which come in bottle or better the squirty plastic lemons.
9 dont put glass bottles up your cunt - one girl cut her vaginia with it. that needs to heal before she gets fucked = no fun there.

and drink 5 cups of tea every day as the tannin boosts your immune system to 150% from 100.
And a mad sex life is so healthy your body and immuneo is great like a nurse or more. and not having sex as an adult is designed for cause supression of the immune system so its not soo good.
All the pieces are falling into place...had some great chats and things.
But if you are like me you fuck first and then look into aids avoidence but keep natural sex...and fuck first and then go on the pill. urghhh!

here is one document sourse for even more technical student stuff:

"Since the very beginning in the early 80's, AIDS has remained tightly compartmentalized, confined almost entirely in the US to gay men and intravenous drug users. (Whatever is happening in Africa is an entirely different matter: different diseases and a different epidemiology).

"AIDS" has never been defined rationally"


"So then, KS is no longer considered "AIDS" by the "experts". During the '80s, gay men with KS were given chemotherapy to attack cancer, even though KS is not a form of cancer. Gay men with KS were given toxic anti-HIV drugs, even though KS is not caused by HIV. They died, by the tens of thousands, not from HIV or KS, but from the drugs they were prescribed.

If HIV were the cause of "AIDS", or indeed, of any other form of illness, then there would be HIV infection in every case of the disease. This is the logic of Koch's First Postulate, a standard test of whether an infectious agent causes a disease. Not only does HIV flunk Koch's First Postulate, it has never been properly isolated;"

Aids realism

will write more and about little ms safe herself too. but that was pretty good and just goes to show you.


The Druid of the Forest


I'll delete it if need be.

Well anyway,..the druid of the forest could be me too because i am a druid aswell. So i told hanna i was fucking a druid in the forest and it was spiritual.
she was amazed and i didnt expect her to belive me.
'you mean you meet a guy in the forest and fuck him'
so she wanted to meet him.
So i arranged to meet druid at the place in the forest, who i had met one time as i wandered all alone through the forest reconnecting to nature and dancing naked in a field and bang! There he was standing there infront of a tree. had been there all along i just had not checked. I froze heart in my mouth and he bid me greetings. phew! We talked and he said i should have sex with him and something about the worship of nature...i smiled and wanted to leave and...umm...liked what he said. he was like some psychology guy and calm and dark and in control and we did fuck against a tree.
so easy enough to make contact and arrange a rutting in honor of nature.

So i took hanna along to the field and the druid was waiting at the tree, so far all normal. but upon seeing him, and this is really weird, hanna would not approach with 100 feet of the druid. she was shaky and said that she would watch and said something about too aryan for her and such strange things. So i gave her space and went over alone and greeting the druid and he did a little chant after asking if my friend was going to join us. I said it was not her thing...and i knelt down for a blessing from nature and the sacred oak - ho ho love it and then sucked his cock hard so he could fuck me against the tree in a fertility rite. Its nice and spirtitual somehow not just another fuck.

fuck fuck fuck fucking my cunt yes yes!

As he is fucking me he asks me what is wrong with my 'jewish friend'...and this is where it gets wierd,.. at least for me.
So i look over to where she was but instead of standing in the field watching she has only walked off to a corner and is standing there facing away, cowed and sneeking peeks over at me! what the fuck! and i thought she was so scared and was trembleing too like something from the Blair Witch...well that was contageous.
i had no idea what was wrong and looked around...i mean what could be wrong i'm with some druid dom who has a ritual knife on his hip all alone in a forest! That just freaked me and i came over all terrified and pissed myself! all over his cock and then he climaxed.
i nearly shit but druid was cool and bid me fairwell to check on hanna. I asked him how he knew she was jewish, now that i could speak again and felt relieved. He said it was witchcraft. fair enough.
He let me go and hanna and i walked away. I asked her what had happened and she said she would tell me when we were away from the druid and the forest!

interesting. he spooked her.

i still had his cum running down my leg yum yum. just yummy. so as i ate it she told me that she didnt know but he was like, very aryan. meaningful. yeah. clear as mud. I think on reflection i know what she means because some things are well the same and too much for me. enough wierd stuff. hanna was soon back to normal the further she got from the forest....and as we walled arm in arm she was soon all smiles again yay! funny world but it doesnt matter.

summer sex

So Hannah takes me to a bar to find some rich men to fuck for money. Thats hanna for you. You'd think she was jewish or something! and you'd be right. She not only doesnt look jewish but wears a mini and high heels and a jacket and looks celtic like me but regardless she can talk a lot and is heaps of fun, is slightly screwed up (but for a case she comes though quite well) and not a lesbian and ....ummm...tells most people she meets that she is jewish. So if i call her Hannor she goes hebrew on me and tells me she is called Hchannahh which is kind of magical as even part welsh people like me dont make such noises. unless we are being sick.
yay if that makes sence then you have met a hanna.

moves more fluid too.
still thats enough anthropology for like ever. Thing is she cant see the beauty of pictures or scenery. takes some ajusting to with a druid like me. like i go oh wow that looks so beautiful and she tells me its like shit. probably the only time she swears...hah! I wouldnt mind so much if she didnt mean it. kinda sad really.
So we both have like 8 guys, i call it polymory and she calls it dangerous.

Then I've barely cued up for a piss when hanna appears dragging some huge tall dark handsome male model (she had found and charmed) in to find me! Like wow! Thats us fucked all night.

i wondered if i should say hi or just get on my knees and stuff his cock in my mouth and nearly did the latter hah har! Managed as hi i'm ahh Shadonna so like..yes (and he says hi he's Nick) and before i can kneel down there and then hanna as sung her introductions and given us both a resume of each others lifes as best she could mangage in 30 seconds of knowing someone. Which was pretty good (just not got time for all the aryan rubbish which is one reason i like her).

and umm she ties to mug the guy more or less...Nick turns out to be real funny and witty with her and i just have to giggle. So he takes down hanna's skirt and that leaves her butt naked on the night streets. Just dont think they will make out some how though but he gives me a look and i'm like yeah.

cut a long story short they did end up fucking because yob runt tried to cause trouble and Nick whipped his wallet at hana talked the guy to death and as he gave hana some of the loot for helping (and me a note for hush money) and wizzzed the wallet of the concust drunk umm..well....what the fuck. hanna had been given money, i remined her and so her little oaths to her hebrew baals had been fullfilled and so she had to fuck him.
She was happy he had finally got found to paying her as she was gagging for him. So they fucked as i sat there and watched and had to remove my skirt so i was butt naked first cause Nick said so.
But hanna didnt want me joining in then.
So i was there to make sure everything was ok and it was. She sucked his cock with her tee down her back pinning her arms because he made her and then he fucked her silly and made her suck his cock again so she was cummed and hot and i had played with myself as i had got hot too watching. They went to bed and i made a hot drink for everyone.
They were a bit stormy as Nick just wasnt interested in being her boyfriend/wallet/customer/client...type of thing but he did like her a lot and was affectionate to her as well as a fuck buddy.

And ahh Nick followed me into a room and i told him about hanna and she was just like that with her guys and was honest and direct and liked sex and he agreed and said i should kneel down and suck his dick.

which really made my night! so i did. and during their relationship he kept comming to visit me when i was alone for me to suck his cock which made me cum and he wanted down my throat and i did it. And we fucked which kinda gave it away as hanna knew what had happened.
She wasnt impressed with tasting my cunt on his dick.
oops...but it was all ok really as i had this guy to fuck we had found and he was upset with Nick and hanna talked him into submission and Nick suggested to him that they swapped girlfriends - hell i was game and hanna was glarreing but shurgged and they did swap us over which seemed to work as i got Nick and Tusk could be less skirtnabbing and rocky with hanna.

It worked and all was soon cool and I was Nick's fuck toy as he called me which was just hot hot hot.
It must be the summer because we fucked or i sucked (well suck fuck suck or suck) and we did it each night for what seemed like ages and the guy was still making milky cum! like wow. Our sex got less energetic of course and i would sit on his cock and squeeze and cum.good time for guy to learn oral sex hahhar!
So that was lots of sex. good.
I never felt so great. dont think hanna ever really forgave him though.

Sleazy Cheap and Happy

hot slut
Just found out how to post a picture...thats if it posts. That should increase my at the moment i am Name: Sharon de throatphuk
Rating: 4918 (Rank: #2982)
Thats 2982nd of nearly 5000 and i havent posted for ages!

The weather has been hot and sweaty and I've not been up to much really except cheap sleazy sex. Thats really cool and works for me, as i contact my deep submissive woman and cum.

So I had this idea seeing some spare wood that maybe we should make bondage equipment with it...or rather i should force some guy to make it for me - hah har yes! So here comes another delightfully sorid episode... in the back garden I had to lie on this huge long length of wood that is taller than me so we could get the right position for the cross which had to be a crucifix type unfortunatly...well that and a gallows should i get the urge. gulp. So the cross bar was placed high up and we needed a foot bar like the orthodox have and some guy hammered it together and bingo! One cross, with rope! Ah yes the rope. Well I found this long rope that made me wet just looking at it and thinging of lynching such is my way and so i wanted to keep much of the rope but had two slip knots cut off for binding me to the cross.
So I had to lie on the cross on the grass to try it out and get tied to it all help less and nude. No problem! Seemed to be just fine realy.

After a time i wondered when i was going to be relesed - i needed a smoke! - and guy had this idea to whip my belly with the rope a bit and then open my legs wide...that felt really cool and very hot as i was all helpless. I wasnt sure how the fuck would go but I didnt get any splinters. With my legs open guy played with my pussy tormenting me and then pushed his cock up me to fuck me and spurt some cum up my pussy. Hot hot hot. Then he untied me so i could lick and suck his cock clean yum yum.

Made a change to the cheap meaningless sleazy fucks.

Some how my Alt was deleted

soo that means no more alt blogo, which i dont suppose really matters.
I had to ignore a heap of losers in the chatrooms anyway as these bitches truned hostile and retarded, bit like happened else where with the imature.

'well your not wearing pantys'

forget everything i said about not taking pain-killers, i've been hitting the aconite and then dashed off to the superstore to stock up on pain relief! yeh well, forget that for a game of silly sluts. pain relief is good, other idea was a BAD IDEA! And, slut fans will love this...

i've got my cunt down my legs.

ha! love it been looking to use that. no the first time but it reminds me of what a hot desirable wanton i can be which is soo cool - it cant still amaze me though it does but it kinda rings a bell somewhere in my deepest being. cunt legs. its the la tip tip out effect, pooring out from my fuck funnel! this must be designed to work that way because it goes with the upright position. It it was not ment to juice legs then its a strange place to be!

Had a strange dream recollection. I was with the guy and we went some place to visit like on a mission. It was party to prove that women can get away with lots more than a guy and do and he wasnt convinced and was a bit a thinking of the tradition norm. so there was this univeristy meauseum type of place all closed and we decided to do no harm except to get in! Ahh, getting into the grounds of the dark place was easy as strolling in, but he got turned back by this guy. and he shruggs its impossible - its all locked up, but i saw a side door ajar and just walked in after winking at the guard how gave me a meaninful look and then just shurgged! So there he goes, I was in and he was not! Then I went up the stairs and appeared where i shouldnt be..but there was a load of silly student there having a party. well basically on female was in a huff and some guys were giggling. Some girls were geing oral sex in this other room and one came out with a mouthful of cum and she swallowed it. Ho ho some type of dareing doo too. Most of the giggling and boozed women wouldnt but there was this group who did - the far more sensible girls! They were taking it in turns to wander of and get cum from the boys whilst far less sensible girls stood around giggling like mados. interesting dynamic.

returned to my guy mouth think with cum and and said i'd give him a blow job. He knew what i'd done, well, he though i'd given a security guard a blow job so to be released. Nope. Try 5 rather clever students - one told me he was studing theology as on my knees as I sucked his cock. might have have been winding me up though. ok. Got fucked too, ha that showed um huh? But who was this mystery woman ..and what was she studying? well i left that a mystery, i wasnt an undergrad baby. might be the dress, heels and pain. yep. But in the dream version the security guard was carrying a kalashnivov ...hay dont ask me to explain it and we were all living in an Islamic state...gotta love the subcouncious really.

The title of this blog post was made when i was standing upright. So was she. Me not phazed.

that picture is not me sorry guys. it could have been so i though it approppiate. It is. the whole thing with the visit was me being well, not sexual but...yeh dont matter.

pain slut update

ok hiya. Been suffering with toothache really baad! You know, i am soo bad it is amazing. spent several nights not getting much sleep because of the pain ad laying awake and then one night was really bad and i went , frankly, delusion from the pain and groans. So what this got to do with it? well, a certain unnamed lover boy thinks that night was just the best! hay, thats a real sadist for you! ha! so he says that i am just beautiful and he was soo turned on by my pain that he said he would use me, and i was well past careing. he opened my legs and gave me a rub and then crawled over me and opened my mouth and pushed in his penis and told me to suck it...soo ofcourse i did and loved it. Then he fucked me as i hurt and did it again! I cumed when he did though and felt my pain vanish, which i guess is due to the chemical that can be released during sex type of thing if you know what i mean.

Soo thats been it. tooth still hurts for no reason and i have felt both terrible from the pain and soo alive somehow, maybe from our sex. I have been wearing just a black streatchy tank top dress, which barely covers my ass, and with it i also am wearing hight stilletoes - the walk on the ball of your foot type, and white ones at that. Nothing else and I have not taken any pain-killers! Its been wonderful! ..well and hell too, but it comes and goes which it just like me. Its like i feel sometimes soo sharp and sexy i love it! That and la marquiss de sado has got an inhuman libedo ahh yes! No hole is safe at the moment.

This has led me to think that God ment toothache as a gift... if you understand it right. wow meaningful insight time!

enclose one picture of my all time hero Charlie the cartoon slut.

I am just a gone pain slut at the moment...might recover naturally, in excruciating time, back to just being a slut, who knows?

Slutto Blog on hold

just writing to say i'm not going to update Slutto blog for ....ages. and maybe never.
so dont be surprised if there are no new posts.

I'm glad my vomit made you cum down my throat

I'm glad my vomit made you cum down my throat May 9, 2005 12:58 pm
Mood: cheerful, 1 view

Didnt think i would post this one but upon reflection knew i would get a thrill if it was seen and read by other people, like i am stripped bare and layd for all to see almost.

it also will remind me of a special time.
Last night:

ok the thing was this playmate wanted me to deep throat his cock upon the bed and said it had been in his girlfriends ass.
"you want me to...suck it?" i said with a wrinkle or two added to my nose.
i kinda got all fussy and insisted on wiping his cock and spitting on it to give it a 'clean'.
but ok that was what he was there for so i sucked and relaxed and moved my self down to put my head back and prepare.
"His cock is too wide" i said and it was.
i though it just cant go down my throat, simple as that but we decided to have a try anyhow.

they have to learn somehow i guess.
so had a few goes and i heaved and gagged as his cock touched the back of my throat caressing it and then as i melted i felt him behind my tongue.
he knew and was very aroused and pleased.
but it was not down my throat or in my throat as i needed it to be so i tried to get more and more of it in but i couldnt.
my pussy was begging me to throat-stuff the beast but my hot heaving body and throat protested.

my stomach was going - and i thought 'oh no! not that please!"

it did no good and i felt the vomit rise up my throat and hit his cock - i quickly swallowed with my throat not my mouth and it was gone.
"o baby yes!" he groaned in awe.

he wanted to pull out and i gave his cock a good cleaning on the way out so he wouldnt know i vomited. told myself it was just curry.

his cock was clean and my breath smelt of vomit though i had not tasted it and i felt pleased with myself.

i said i would lick his cock so he could cum in my mouth but then he told me the magic thing:
he said he had allready cum down my throat when my warm vomit hit his cock.

oh wonderful! secret was out of the bag.
I felt really happy that he had cum and tipped it down my passage so i gave him a big smile and he thought i was amazing.

he was extatic - he had felt the end of my mouth and felt my his cock behind my tongue which really pleased him alot and he said he had been in my throat and cum in it.

yep guess so.
well what a girl to do?
it was soo arousing to gag and heave helplessly upon cock that i felt special inside.
i felt so good and hot that i knew why i do this type of thing:


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