The Crazy Construction Site 

The Crazy Construction Site

I wasnt really sure if to post this one from some time ago but after whats happened i guess then sure, why not.
You dont have to belive any of it, especially if it upsets you.

and its not so much about me even.

So i was sent to work on at a construction site - great!
I turn up and look for the office but couldnt find it so this older man introduces himself after looking me over and wondering what the hell i was doing there.
"I'm the foreman"
"yeah hi, wheres the office?"
This big man says "no fucking office".
Another, smaller chap says "whats a fucking office?"
This was a scary situation.
(i was thinking - one more gang rape stastic comming up)

so i waved a bit of paper and tried to explain that some agency had sent me as a worker but didnt seem to be getting through.
It figures i guess when he asked me what my trade was.
"What - can- you- Do - apart from suck cock?"
lots of laughter from the gang.
felt embarressed.
So i acted all cool and giggled and said that well i was good with computers, could touch type - answer the phone maybe - open the mail.
Said he allready had a secretary.
Ahah so there is an office!
No is there fuck.
"up the workers! no office!"
o bugger communists!
So i goes "solidarity" and wave my clenched fist in the air and they all take a shine to me!

luckily this small blond girl turns up and says she has been sent by the agency (same one).
"fuck me another woman" and after some exasperation and communal shrugs seemed to agree with me that there had been a communications problem (like someone was missing beaurocrats allready - or the agency employed fascists - like that blond chap with a sence of humour yep)
I was a pawn in a political conflict!

Thats the funny bit.
But its gets really crazy!

So the foreman takes us off to a cement mixer and hands me and the blond girl a shovel each and then he explains how we were to um...keep them in cement and things.
Gives me a fucking shovel!
"This is a joke right?"
blond beams a grin at me.
the foreman says we were not dressed right for doing anything else, which was true ofcourse.
I thought about running off when his back was turned but i guess i had nothing else to do and he did say he would pay me. So we made sloppy doe-doe - it was a bit like being at the beach shoveling sand into the mouth the hungry orange mixer. wow we were now constructions workers.

"Brew time" meaning we were to go with them to this porter-cabin and have a cup of tea!
page three pin up on the wall of a blond with big tits - well i like porn too. nods shrugs disinterested amazement and lots of oogeling me as i sat smoking and drinking tea. Thought i might be raped at any moment, but the blond made a fuss over the pin up and they made rude comments about her and one asked to see her tits. So she lifted her top and showed us all!
They cheered.
Brew time was over "just when it was getting interesting" and this big chap comes over to me and asks if i am a femminist?
I says no i'm not, and then he sticks his hand between my legs and puts his hand down my pantys and touches my pussy and gives me a rub. I was amazed and heated up in seconds.
O god i was going to cum.
blond says he cant do that to me!
Foreman says that we all have to go back to work. phew!

back to the orange cement mixer and lots of chatting to the blond. And later on we were called into this place they were building and some new faces gave us all a political lecture - no joke - going on about socialism and solidarity of the workers. Then the visitors left. looked at the blond and she shrugged.

Right near the end of the working day i was taken off and escorted into the building they were making. This is were i got really sacred and there was a gang of them in there waiting expectantly. great just like a lamb to the slaughter i thought ugh no!
i was told to sit against the wall and soo i did. trembled as i took out a cigarette and one dark haired chap lit it for me which helped my nerves a bit.
I mean, they werent really going to rape me, were they? I was trembling with fear and felt sick with a tight knot in my stomach as it was obvious they were going to do something but were waiting??? why?
saw a electircal flex hanging down from a cealing a pissed myself a bit as i got these horrific thoughts that they were going to hang me for sexual kicks. i felt sick with worry.
but you know i had got the wrong end of the stick.

Then this brunette walks in dressed in skirt and jacket smoking a cigarette. She looks at me - i look at her and she looks at the big man as though to say "whats she doing here?"
She shrugs and then...throws her cigi, takes of her jacket and takes off her blouse. Then they grabbed her and pulled off her skirt and held her down on the floor as she protested and they ripped off her black bra and pantys. They were told to hold the bitches legs open and the big man kicked her between the legs and then punched her, pulled her hair and made her suck his cock and then he said he would rape her so he did. He old them to fuck her and they began to take turns fucking her and putting their cocks into her mouth as he slapped her and held her hair and hit her tits.
Whilst i watched.
I wasnt sure what i was witnessing and got worried for her. She looked at me reasuring me! He hit her and her eyes lit up with pleasure. ahhhh i see thought me,she likes it rough.
it was intense for her but too brutal for me.

Then the blond walks in to see what they are doing to me.
She sees me ok but then sees what they are doing to the woman and has histerics.
yeah bad time to walk in i guess. Foreman takes her off outside having failied to reason with her he manhandled her from the place.

then the big man pulls up the brunette by her hair spanks her ass and tells the bitch to get dressed.
She puts on her bra and looks at me and then whispers to him.
Then she comes over to ME with a big smile on her face (and bruises on her body!) and stands infront of me with he legs open.
"hi cutey" she says and grabs my hair and pushes me into pussy telling me to lick.
so i did.
I could smell her juices and feel her heat as i licked her. She was getting all dominant with ME!
I thought i might be raped at this rate but i guess they had put all their cum into her and besides...
Soo after i had been forced to lick and suck all their cum from her pussy - o boy - that was the good bit but she was rough with the bloody hair pulling the bitch!
o fuck but i was getting all hot and steamy and making noises during our encounter. So hurt me you bitch!
(and i think she was being nice to me!!)

Then she is pulled off me by the big chap and dragged offf to 'get fucking dressed as i tell you bitch'
yay good for him! my hero!
phew rescued. yummy pusssy though.

she got dressed and the show was over. Then she lit a cigi and took a drag on it and put it into my mouth gave me a wicked smile and walked off asthough nothing had happened.

"Met the Misses" says the big chap with big grin.
i grinned back and said "yeah".

Then i dashed off to find the blond and gave her a big hug and tried to explain to her.
it worked and she calmed down.

wow what a day! I could still taste her when i got home. fun fun fun what a crazy construction site.

any connection to people still living is um...well them.

XX Sharon

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