Election Tardis - masturbation and coffee 

Election Tardis - masturbation and coffee

Today I went to the Su Doku site and managed not to play Su Doku!
ha ha! Looked far too much like hard work to me, but it is supposed to be addictive.
so have i just set a world record or something?

Election Night May 5th
Decided to watch election night with a girlfriend as i allways find myself watching it to see what happens and who is in charge or has taken over.
So i put on my funny slippers and made lots of tea for us and lounged around watching the events unfold.
At first she thought it would be good. ha!

I had my legs crossed as i lounged and she looked at me and said "are you masturbaing?"
ahhh...yeh i did seem to be squeezing my thighs a lot come to think of it.
"ummm yeh i guess so" i said cooly. hadnt really though about it.
She nodded and looked at the telly and said "it isnt that interesting. Its not even a porno."
i pleaded bordom.
she looked suspicious. "no...you get off on this you do."
yep found out again.
blaimed the swingometer.

I wondered why she kept resting her head on her arms or nodding whilst not looking at the telly.
She looks at me all bleary eyed and said "are you going to stay up allnight?"
"yep might do" i said easily.
i felt sorry for her - and thinking it was getting on for midnight i thought it might be past her bedtime.

i wondered why i felt fatigued at one point though that passed in a way, and why they said things like 'the early hours' and all that.
Then the students who were painting had a light sky and i thought ' o wow! if it is pre-dawn there then it should be here as well.

I had lost track of time and went and opened the curtains and sure enough the sky was light so i left them open and dashed into the kitchen to check the time - it had gone 5:00 am (0500 hours - ha!)

i wondered why she hadnt moved all night!
and why i could smell her sweet pussy jucie!
i went over and gave her a hug. She was still seated on the chair with her legs still open.
how did she do it?
"i can smell your pussy yum!" i said.
she nodded and said she could smell mine and that i was a kinky bitch.
"yeh...how you do it huh?" i asked.
"fustration punishment"
she smiled and said she had tied her ankles to the chair early on whilst i made tea.
then she had sat there all night going mad.
kinky bitch she is.
i gave her a kiss - she deserved it.

though we might have done something to each other - kinda depended how she felt.
she nodded but had not wanted to distract me from the election as i had sat there attentive all night so it must be doing something for me.

guess so

i wondered if on elections nights i kind of entered a tardis and we all appeared in the future the next day knowing the result. maybe, but my perception of time changes upon election nights and that is part of the fun. and somehow i am able to delude myself that it is not as late as the people on telly pretend it is.

no one would ever believe we had just spent the night watching the election on telly. looked and smelt like we had just had lesbo kinky sex - well we had but not in any normal way!
like i had watch her juiceing up allnight in bondage without realizing!

XX Sharon

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