The morning after... 

The morning after...

Here are a few jokes i put on alt - which are experiences really but humorus to me:

"Morning After the Night Before (1 View)

Things people say the morning after...

"...this doesnt make you my bitch."
" doesnt mean we are lesbians."
"did we fuck? more like border-line rape"
"...stop calling me Donna"
"so..who are you two again?"
"hi guys..well there you go!"
"i didnt think you'd do that to woman..."
"...found the key yet?"
"no i dont know this place either"
"...that wasnt my pussy"
"...oh so you two are married?"
"...whos Lisa?"
" your not Jack?"
" ones let you do that before?"
" dont know him either?"
"...whos leg is that?"
"...I still respect you as a slut"
" i've allready met your dad then"

light relief.

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