Little Ms Safe and the slut 

Little Ms Safe and the slut


Still lots of rubbish out there in zombie world. so hanna had a crisis after the religious terroirsed her like the purdish zombie liars of Beliar do, and i had a preggo scare, great fun.
hysteria, paranoia, phobia, witch-hunts and agenda driven drivil and dissassociation from reality.
Soo why doesnt slut have aids? like do i look like a monogomist or something?
??? well seeing as most of the women who have aids are monogomists....

and...the billion dollar californian porn industry goes on and has hardly any cases - the odd few every decade...after all that fucking everywhere with no condoms and well, fucking sluts not monogomists or virgins.
soo anyway...whats that matter to big drugcompanies or religous zombie cults and prudes or jelous bitches and synical lesbian groomerz? nila nada zilcho. The bitish government of the cons ran a long add promoting promiscuous hetro sex women as the aids problem. That fits in with most people ideas of risk, ahhh but none of the stastics. that was double agenda disinformation. being a slut makes you safer.
read it again, ...aids...monogomists...not sluts.
The prostitues with aids are introvenous drug users. the monogomist are with intravenous drug users. It takes repreated sex with the aids source in blood to blood injery to become infected - even 500 times. Though anal is much more risk to the reciever, even if they are bodily adapted to the sise and use lubrication. The vagina is designed for cock and sex and child birth and so is not readily injured guys.
I really didnt know how to approach the subject.
Thought mabe it no longer matters. Hanna has a vertual break down.
that matters.

so sluts dont have aids dont get aids though cumming into a woman. She is more at risk. The guy cant catch it - and you cant catch what people simply dont have! really!. nevermind the religious and frigid and prudish and mary janes and predatory lesbians and drug users and nasy and manipulative and some of those guys have unprotected sex casually still and are ok! That doesnt fit the delusions or agenda.! why not? so this looser is not in the real world:

"stop AIDS, you slut Camisole
To fight a terrible disease like AIDS, you need to administer some tough-love in a way that even the most promiscuous whores can understand. We're here to help. You're welcome.
That lie and rubbish is here:
monogomist get aids not sluts

ummm so sluts have adapted to sex and know the tricks for smooth sex. and contraception but like me i dont mean condoms..i like natural sex. its healty. being healty boosts the immune system a lot. likeing sex gets your slack - great slack as in not injuerable slack cunt - wet and slippy and not injured but bruising maybe! tight dry scared monogomist is with the same sourse over and over and she is more injurable!
so if your god does realise tough!
My gods know! hah har!

also tips for our good sluts: 1 use a dutch cap to seal of your womb as it is a potential infection area.
2 use spermicdal lubricant (or any get pussy wet and slippy lubricant) but spermocidal stops the stuff wiggiling around everywhere.
3 sit up and suck his cock after sex so the goo drains out of your cunt rather than laying there overnight with most of it in. so finger it out or he licks it out of you. heap not there heap not there!
4 also use mini pill - it strengthes your womb wall to prevent anything!
5 dont take it up the ass without a comdom and lubricant...well maybe
6 if he cuts his dick on your teeth avoid the blood and suck him off and dont put it in your cunt or ass.
7 like in porno guy can withdraw and cum over your pussy, tits or face - or stuff it down your throat but it is ok for him to cum in you too.
8 feel free to douch yourself after sex with shower head - its fun. trust me i've been there! or with anticeptis cotton budds which helps against everything! and or with jiff concentrated lemon juice which come in bottle or better the squirty plastic lemons.
9 dont put glass bottles up your cunt - one girl cut her vaginia with it. that needs to heal before she gets fucked = no fun there.

and drink 5 cups of tea every day as the tannin boosts your immune system to 150% from 100.
And a mad sex life is so healthy your body and immuneo is great like a nurse or more. and not having sex as an adult is designed for cause supression of the immune system so its not soo good.
All the pieces are falling into place...had some great chats and things.
But if you are like me you fuck first and then look into aids avoidence but keep natural sex...and fuck first and then go on the pill. urghhh!

here is one document sourse for even more technical student stuff:

"Since the very beginning in the early 80's, AIDS has remained tightly compartmentalized, confined almost entirely in the US to gay men and intravenous drug users. (Whatever is happening in Africa is an entirely different matter: different diseases and a different epidemiology).

"AIDS" has never been defined rationally"


"So then, KS is no longer considered "AIDS" by the "experts". During the '80s, gay men with KS were given chemotherapy to attack cancer, even though KS is not a form of cancer. Gay men with KS were given toxic anti-HIV drugs, even though KS is not caused by HIV. They died, by the tens of thousands, not from HIV or KS, but from the drugs they were prescribed.

If HIV were the cause of "AIDS", or indeed, of any other form of illness, then there would be HIV infection in every case of the disease. This is the logic of Koch's First Postulate, a standard test of whether an infectious agent causes a disease. Not only does HIV flunk Koch's First Postulate, it has never been properly isolated;"

Aids realism

will write more and about little ms safe herself too. but that was pretty good and just goes to show you.


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