Counterproductive Repression 

Counterproductive Repression

whip me

hah har yess the whip me pic.
So to continue with the forbidden subject. All these virgin prudes and their sex starved associated guys are getting all sexually repressed and mind warped and violent and their guys are substituting the lack of sex with situational bisexual sex and all being driven to drugs and the drug world and thats so these mary janes feel safer. hah! welcome to little ms safe's death trap! whats safe about it? nothing!
other types are being driven to free sex the street gang way or gettho way ie....rape. violent rape and rape of the young fems who are virgins - oh thats safe? who for? how so? no its not a safe climate of the prudes at all its ultra not safe. safe has four letters like the world slut. and hiv has three like the word nun, as in virgin prude. easy.

thats real. Some nice psychology type guy picks me up off the street in his car to rescue me from a girl gang of antisluts who like gay bars to be anti aids - oh and violence too with mr international rescue drives me to a dark car park and tells me heaps of things about aids and reality and sluts like me are safe but those other girls are not safe, mentally, physically, immunly nor from aids. this guy made sence and ummm...said i should get on the back seat and open my legs. i did and draped a stilleto leg over the driving seat but guy wasnt sure of like how to enter me and i recomended i bent over the boot and he entered my cunt from the rear or the bonnet or facing him with legs open. He wanted me from the front so we used the boot of the car ie the rear of it so he could talk to me during sex. i put his cock in my pussy which was wet and we fucked and i got my tits out and moaned and faked my way to pleasure and the guy cums in me didnt look at me and said so much for condoms and waved a bunch of notes at me so i took them.

hah har!

then he spoke about marking theses? and i said did he want me to feases ie shit and he said no it was students all too scared of aids to fuck him. haaaaa most hilarious! Well his rescue of me had saved him from cruising for a prostitue hooker and i dont use drugs (neither does hanna). got that story in but it is on topic. so that means i'm still avoiding telling the story of ms safe really.
still heaps to say about counter productive sexual repression and its enevitable blinked aids risk - and heaps of other things too. and life has has to be lived! cant live under an unrealistic paranoia without going mad. choose sanity more able to judge risk! like not the pubs of dispair and drugs and well still probably ok but not ok in other things.

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