'well your not wearing pantys' 

'well your not wearing pantys'

forget everything i said about not taking pain-killers, i've been hitting the aconite and then dashed off to the superstore to stock up on pain relief! yeh well, forget that for a game of silly sluts. pain relief is good, other idea was a BAD IDEA! And, slut fans will love this...

i've got my cunt down my legs.

ha! love it been looking to use that. no the first time but it reminds me of what a hot desirable wanton i can be which is soo cool - it cant still amaze me though it does but it kinda rings a bell somewhere in my deepest being. cunt legs. its the la tip tip out effect, pooring out from my fuck funnel! this must be designed to work that way because it goes with the upright position. It it was not ment to juice legs then its a strange place to be!

Had a strange dream recollection. I was with the guy and we went some place to visit like on a mission. It was party to prove that women can get away with lots more than a guy and do and he wasnt convinced and was a bit a thinking of the tradition norm. so there was this univeristy meauseum type of place all closed and we decided to do no harm except to get in! Ahh, getting into the grounds of the dark place was easy as strolling in, but he got turned back by this guy. and he shruggs its impossible - its all locked up, but i saw a side door ajar and just walked in after winking at the guard how gave me a meaninful look and then just shurgged! So there he goes, I was in and he was not! Then I went up the stairs and appeared where i shouldnt be..but there was a load of silly student there having a party. well basically on female was in a huff and some guys were giggling. Some girls were geing oral sex in this other room and one came out with a mouthful of cum and she swallowed it. Ho ho some type of dareing doo too. Most of the giggling and boozed women wouldnt but there was this group who did - the far more sensible girls! They were taking it in turns to wander of and get cum from the boys whilst far less sensible girls stood around giggling like mados. interesting dynamic.

returned to my guy mouth think with cum and and said i'd give him a blow job. He knew what i'd done, well, he though i'd given a security guard a blow job so to be released. Nope. Try 5 rather clever students - one told me he was studing theology as on my knees as I sucked his cock. might have have been winding me up though. ok. Got fucked too, ha that showed um huh? But who was this mystery woman ..and what was she studying? well i left that a mystery, i wasnt an undergrad baby. might be the dress, heels and pain. yep. But in the dream version the security guard was carrying a kalashnivov ...hay dont ask me to explain it and we were all living in an Islamic state...gotta love the subcouncious really.

The title of this blog post was made when i was standing upright. So was she. Me not phazed.

that picture is not me sorry guys. it could have been so i though it approppiate. It is. the whole thing with the visit was me being well, not sexual but...yeh dont matter.

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