Grand Inquisitor becomes Pope! - (o shit!) 

Grand Inquisitor becomes Pope! - (o shit!)

The Catholics have a new Pope - Benidict the 16th, former head prefect of the Inquisition (aka Congregation of Doctrine of the Faith and doing in homosexuals, witches, heretics, liberals (fair cop i supose) etc) and busom buddy of the previous Pope John Paul 2nd.
In his opening address he says he hasnt the right tools...
I think i know what the right tools would be with this german Pope (former inquisitor, former hitler youth) chappy.
Well I should know what tools Tomas de Benidict has in mind but is constrained a bit not to use (to excess):
and upon watching this upon the BBC I knew I had to stand ready to help out with the torture that is hoped by some to come. Or is that Cum?

Point One - this type of thing could be a big no-no with the Holy Inquisitor: - copy ctrl C and then paiste ctrl V that in your other window! or click here : link to nun
(that was a Songs of Solomon bible study right?)

Point Two - he might go for this in a big way :
New Idea- Eccumenical things?
Cant say I would blame him sounds a lot of fun...if not taken to excess that is. But you never can tell with the Papal elements.

Point Three - I will possibley have to hide my idol to the Goddess Venus, Icons to Venus/Aphrodite Porne aka the eternal femminine aka Aphrodite Penis-Lover, aka Venus rises from the sea foam which represents cum and um....probably do the Dolly thing here:
Dolly does it with a noose

ok I know my place in the new order of things.

that and gobbing off girls is a big no-no...ahh I'll take a 50-50 please....

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