best game ever! 

best game ever!

best game ever

I have found the best game ever!

ahem, introducing square pegs and round pegs, with board.
right this is soo important to understand much of society goes wrong because they dont get it!
so they need to play it and judges should make them play it and it should be compulsery in school and univeritys and exxectutive training and even availabe free in the town centres with big versions to play.

and the adult version is you stick the round ones in your cunt.
or your suck it in your mouth.
or are made to
hah har!

not only that but heres the hype:
"With both square and round pegs, this pegboard challenges fine motor skills by requiring different grasping and placement skills. Used to improve hand-eye co-ordination and visual perceptual skills and to encourage crossing midline.

Different shaped manipulatives provide greater challenges to the user's cognitive skills."

wow thats awesome.
problem is these nuts are charging £50 for it!
i mean that is a british rip off for you.
try £2

overpriced version
best fun ever.

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