I fucked again 

I fucked again

look at this, some stastics of my blog for you:

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now the Total user hits are different computers who have come to have a read.
And its gone up from 38 to 39 which means, and you know who you are, that someone has come along and read all this slut thing. yah. its ok because it doesnt record IPs.

found this blog which is someones wank log and someone commented:
"However, I have two problems with "If situations are right, it can be nice to just have a nap like that, naked and free. When you wake up the cum has dried... so you may as well have another crack at it ;)" ONE: dried semen is itchy. TWO: you are likely to into an endless loop: wank, spurt, sleep; wank, spurt, sleep;

but the commenter forgot to mention eating. Which is bad.
They also forgot to mention surfing online for porn!
so it sould read eat, porn surf, wank, spurt, sleep; eat, porn surf, wank, spurt, sleep;

just putting the record straight there,
and improving peoples lifestyles.

or in mycase theres a lot of fuck (wank fuck) because i am a easy fuck fem.
but otherwise the same of course aka 'modern living for you innit'

Slut bit read here (the new guy too):
oh last night watched porno of some women conductor being raped on a train...and she looked like a porn model (well they usually do)...hah har!...and the rapists insisted on giving her oral sex before fucking her and...yeah it was in french of course! i mean who else is obsessed with rape and oral sex rape? so she looked really hot and had a good struggle and i could identify with her and it turned me on.
so went to bed and put someones cock in my mouth.
and then he said he didnt want to cum...sooo he got me on my back and opened my legs and fucked me!
huh? lost me honey. and i felt soo like the porno babe that i did a good moaning an fakeing and really quick he cum and i did too. yay! i feel so much better. he is mr libedo its just not real.
curled up to too ofcourse and kisssed his face in a pathetic needy puppy type of way.
look at my face, do i care..huh? no.

oh did i mention Nikki? no. female sitting in a dark park at 2am waiting to be raped.
huh? sings care free tunes too. some boyfriend came and collected her...shrugs
dont ask me.

heres that wank log blog:
Wank blog guy

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