Ranto time 

Ranto time


found all this interesting info upon swinging which is a bit different as that is for monogomists in trade who are fed up of monogomy, and they want single fems not guys and they are married rubbish. They are like to a guy i'll fuck you for your female and two camels and a goat and you are our middle-class free slave whore who we dont have to hire. like fuck off. still, beats monogomy i guess. 'hire a fucking prostitute' - thats a charity donation honey (thats only for the middle class married like 'hay no married' as like well since when did anyone else give a fuck about all the crud.) and its too Politically Correct and cultic. like zombie empire for you. ummm...still a good idea for fellow in the same boaters though...

145 of 153 people found the following review helpful:
Sex & Love with many is NOT wrong if everyone agrees., June 30, 2000
Reviewer: P.W. Reader (Redwood City, CA United States) - See all my reviews
I've seen so many failed marriages due to infidelity that recently I began to wonder what I was in for if I ever took that big step. After all, I didn't seem any better than the couples I knew, and certainly I'd been attracted to many different people, both male and female. Thats when I found this book.

This is a great read for people with feelings like mine...it gives a great account of the guidelines you need if you ever choose to enter into polyamory. Several good points are emphasized: love and sex are not necessarily the same, one may be an expression of the other but they CAN be completely separate. Love, sex and pleasure are not limited qualities people have...you can love someone else and make love to them without depriving your "primary" partner of the same feelings and actions. Drawbacks are also discussed, including time constraints, jealousy, respecting privacy and property of all your lovers, and coming out to your kids about your relationship (most actually think its pretty cool because there's always someone to talk to).

I read this book aloud with my girlfriend because we had always been curious about poly-type relationships. We asked ourselves many questions, and when we finally attended our first party, we were able to talk more afterwards and decided we loved it...and yet we could still be committed to each other! And we're still going strong...thanks to this and other wonderful resources that provided a basis for us to try new things!

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156 of 166 people found the following review helpful:
Want multiple lovers? Read this or else!, April 13, 1998
Reviewer: darklock@obscure.org (San Francisco, CA) - See all my reviews
Like other reviewers, I've bought many copies of this and give or loan them out to friends, lovers, and people I'm interested in. Rather than duplicate other reviews in their glowing general praise (which would be easy), I'll go a step further and strongly suggest getting this book not because it will help you find multiple lovers or because it's a good read, or because it's full of helpful advice on relationships in general, but rather because without the advice and insight in this book polyamory is *really* hard to pull off. This book gives you many of the lessons you might not learn otherwise except by having dismal relationship failures and painful breakups. (These may still come anyway, but The Ethical Slut will help you avoid them, and cope if they happen). I can't recommend this highly enough. However, I would add the slight caveat that the somewhat hedonistic approach of Easton & Liszt can be balanced out fairly well by a follow-up reading of Anapol's Polyamory: The New 'Love Without Limits'. Anapol's work is not as "fun", and gets tediously naggy along "spirituality" lines that are very hippyish and and full of newage, but the message she conveys include a lot of responsibility and cooperation memes that are not as prevalent in Easton & Liszt's book. The two-book combo is really a must.

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enlightening, June 25, 2006
Reviewer: Ellizabeth Weissmann "bigliz, queen of the wild frontier" (torrance, ca United States) - See all my reviews
this book was loaned to me by a friend of sorts, and i found it enlightening.
an open relationshop is a bit more of my ideal, though we are trained by society to be monogamous, even in casual dating situations.
but this book has good ideas too on how to deal with jealousy, and how to conduct an argument that i think is brilliant for any relationship. it's help me at least in that respect.

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9 of 12 people found the following review helpful:
not quite inspiring, May 30, 2006
Reviewer: Genevieve "Wescott" (Australia) - See all my reviews
When I opened this book, I was under the impression it would be informative and useful for [...] of all ages and in all sorts of relationships...

There is nothing in there for the single person, it is written based around having to deal with one's mind and body and sexual urges with respect to a primary relationship.

A lot of time was spent on delicately explaining different styles of relationship arrangements, swingers, group sex, etc...
Political correctness seemed to preside over actual information as no group was to be left unmentioned and appreciated.

I can see this book being useful to bored couples aged 30plus and those who don't already know what other people do behind closed doors.

I would have liked to read more about how to deal with one's inner conflict as a single [...], ie how to approach potential partners from the first date with the concept of non-monogamy, and how to avoid being phased by the general conception of those around you that the only real relationships are those "faithful" monogamous ones.
Ethical Slut

but they dont fuck single guys usually but some do which I resent as it makes me feel i'm being used and its true. Also they have money its like well hireing a good or nice hooker is like the real ethical slut bit!

that aside i curled up to nick and and told him i needed him and loved him and things and he said i was going on my period in 3 days. hah har! cunt.
then he gave a hug like wow. told him i'd do anthing he wanted me to.
oh boy.
think its the first time i've felt none sentimental love. so its a good thing we are poth poly people or it would get horridly incestuous and insular.

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