mind out reality in-coming! 

mind out reality in-coming!

whip me

Reality incomming watch out!
"Are We All at Risk for AIDS?

It is often said that everyone is at risk for AIDS, but the actual numbers suggest otherwise. After nearly two decades, AIDS cases in this country have remained 94% confined to the originally identified risk groups. (46)

The CDC places 88% of American AIDS patients in two categories: men who have sex with men or injection drug users. Just 10% of Americans diagnosed with AIDS cite heterosexual contact as their only risk and of these, close to half (4%) mention sexual relations with users of injection drugs.

The classification of AIDS cases by risk group relies entirely on voluntary responses to CDC survey questions, a method of gathering information that is well-documented to be a source of distortion and invalidity. (47)

In fact, a number of public health studies show that upon further investigation, 65% to 99% of people with AIDS who initially claim heterosexual contact as their only risk or who claim no risk at all, later acknowledge using injection drugs and/or having male homosexual relations. (48)"

in short they lie and cover up the homosexual and or injections issues and thats 65-99% of the 6%. And the others? who knows?
but hetro could mean fuck in the ass or during period for a woman.

hetro sex safe

ahhh then their the domestic thuggery and cutters i guess oh and blood play maybe and general violence which do not seem to be counted as options so choose something else. I mean it!
so as oral sex is safe and so is most kinky - but not all - then the prudish excuses are delusional lies and self-deception steeped in phobia and paranoia and general bongo.

A study of hysteria - the witch hunt scare all over again!

"The risk of AIDS is also disproportionately divided among men and women in America, with 85% of cumulative AIDS cases confined to males. (50) In contrast to this fact, HIV testing conducted by the US military since 1985 reports near equal numbers of HIV positive results among male and female new recruits.51 If HIV were the cause of AIDS, we should expect a near equal number of AIDS cases among men and women. Instead, women have never represented more than 15% of all AIDS cases nationwide.

In a contagious epidemic, healthcare professionals working among the ill usually run the highest risk of contracting a disease. During the entire AIDS epidemic however, only 25 cases of AIDS have been reported among healthcare workers who claim occupational exposure as their only risk"

yet women are the ones cummed in, not ahem, guys...(well maybe). so more women should have it then men! ahh added to loss of virginity in sex for women and period sex some gubs do and...women only count for 15% and they are connected with injectors!

"Did You Know....
Many experts contend that AIDS is not a fatal, incurable condition caused by HIV? That most of the AIDS information we receive is based on unsubstantiated assumptions, unfounded estimates and improbable predictions? That the symptoms associated with AIDS are treatable using non-toxic, immune enhancing therapies that have restored the health of people diagnosed with AIDS and that have enabled those truly at risk to remain well?"


" Learn how to defuse the damaging thoughts that arise from a positive diagnosis with respected hypnotherapist Matt Sison.

Most health experts today acknowledge that fears, beliefs and expectations have profound effects our physical state. Matt’s presentation shows you how to let go of harmful messages and keep yourself on a path to health and happiness. "


I guess they are still going to be frigid whores. Try paying them money then they do.
hah har! so ok stick a needle in hanna's arm - oh boy - and then they tell her she is ok. cool. I had a test too - made her open the needles pack in front of me! I hate needles! now go play or back to the hysteria ward of the adult phobic man-phobic lunatic asylum of the users. haha har. with complements of the we use the pill the femminists opposed in the 1960s huh? with complements of the not lesbian, not nambla marchers (femminist 1970s), not catholic and..is....porn and beauty and adult woman. huh?
(is a kick in the ass if you were wondring bitch)

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